Instagram 101: How to Add a Link in Your Story

Instagram 101: How to Add a Link in Your Story
For the longest time, the only clickable link you could throw up on Instagram was in your profile's bio, and that's still true for a lot of users. The only way to add a clickable link aside from the aforementioned one is in an Instagram story, where users checking out your story would swipe up to load the webpage before going back to finish your story.This feature is available on both the Android and iOS versions of the Instagram app, but only specific users will be able to take advantage of it right now.The first bunch of users that can put links in their stories are those that are verified. You can't buy or request a verified badge, a blue check mark that appears next to your profile name, but it's not impossible to get one automatically if you've only got a few hundred followers.As for the second group, they are businesses profiles that have more than 10,000 followers. Previously, the requirement used to be 1 million followers, but Instagram eased that restriction, so it's possible they may make the threshold lower in the future, too.Don't Miss: How to Add Animated GIFs to Your Instagram Stories If you're included in either of the two groups mentioned above, you're good to start following the directions below. If not, you'll have to either get verified or become a popular business profile. As of right now, there are no known hacks or mods that can force a link into a story on an un-verified or non-business profile.

Adding a Link to an Instagram StoryOnce you've got a photo or video ready to go in your Instagram story that you want to add a link to, all you have to do is tap on the chain link icon up top. If you don't see this icon, you have either not been verified yet or are not a business profile.After tapping the link icon, a page will pop up where you can type in or paste the URL of the webpage you want your viewers to visit. (Tip: Tap "Preview Link" to make sure the link actually works.)Press "Done" (iPhone) or the colored check mark (Android) when you're ready, then the chain link icon up top will be filled in white to indicate that there is a URL attached to that image or video in your story.

Editing a Link in an Instagram StoryWhile you can't change a link after the story has already been published, you can change it beforehand. When editing your story, just go back to the photo or video in your story that has the link, then tap on the white chain link icon to bring up the menu. Select "Edit" to swap out the link, then tap "Done" afterward, or just select "Clear Link" to remove it right away.

Making the Link More ObviousYou can stop right here, and you'd be fine. When someone watches your Instagram story, they will see either a "Learn More," "See More," "Sign Up," or a similar label at the bottom of the image or video in your story, which they can then either tap on or swipe up.However, if you want to make sure they don't miss that small text at the bottom of the screen, you should add a related message on top of the photo or video using the markup tools available. Type, draw, whatever ... just make sure they know there's a more info a swipe or tap away.Don't Miss: How to Customize Markup Colors in Your Instagram Stories While it sucks that Instagram hasn't made this feature available to everyone just yet, it's probably a good thing, or every story you'd watch would be full of spam links, which could ruin the story experience. Still, it would be nice if they thought about their smaller users, too. After all, the bigger names wouldn't be so big without us little users, right?Don't Miss: How to Archive All Your Instagram Stories Automatically for Easy Access LaterFollow Gadget Hacks on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Flipboard Follow WonderHowTo on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Flipboard
Cover photo, screenshots, and GIF by Justin Meyers/Gadget Hacks

Still, there are some options for adding content to your Stories on Instagram like links, so if you aren't verified, don't give up hope. So whether you've been looking to share a link to your band or to your online store, we've got some ideas for how you can do it.
How to Add Links to Instagram Stories: 3 Steps to Drive

Or Instastories! =) I've also found some new ways to gain a larger following on Instagram by using the story feature!! Let me know if you would like to see mini social media tips videos in the future!
Stories | Instagram Help Center

How to Add a Link to Your Instagram Stories : Social Media

Given that adding links to stories is currently the only way to add a specific link to any single post on Instagram, marketers may get over-zealous and add too many links too frequently. Depending on the number of posts in your full story, you may want to include one or two posts with clickable links to the entire story collection .
How to add Instagram Story Links (and examples to get you

1. Add a Link to Your Instagram Story. Unfortunately, only popular Instagram accounts and brands are currently able to add links to their Instagram stories. You have to be "verified" which is
How to Add a Link in Instagram Stories - Tech Junkie

How to Add a Link to Your Instagram Story. I used HubSpot's official Instagram account for these instructions, since my personal account isn't verified (I also, you'll be surprised to hear, don't have 10,000 followers … ). 1. Take a photo or upload one to your Instagram Story, and then click the icon at the top right that looks like a chain.
Instagram How To: Add A Link To Instagram Story - YouTube

How To Add Links To Instagram Stories In The Latest App Update Want your followers to be able to explore your story on a more in depth level? Adding a link directs users to related content
How to Add Links in Instagram Story - YouTube

Next to Share Your Story to Facebook, tap to allow sharing. Note: When you share your Instagram story to Facebook, it will appear as a story at the top of News Feed. Keep in mind that anything you share to Facebook, including your Instagram story, works with your existing Facebook privacy settings.
How to Add Links to Your Instagram Story and Posts

add a call to action for your instagram story link Before tapping on the "add your story" icon, make sure to edit your story first , and add a call-to-action. If you added a clickable link to a photo, it will be visible on the screen for a second before the next story appears, so make sure to remind your audience to swipe up to click on the
Here's How to Add a Link to Your Instagram Story [Pro Tip]

How to Add Links to Instagram Stories Step #1: Click the Link Button. Before you can add a link to your Instagram story, you have to take a photo, video, or upload from your camera roll just like you normally would. Then, you're ready to add a link! After you've added stickers, filters, or text, you can just click on the link button at the top.
How To Add Links To Instagram Stories In The Latest App Update

How to Add Links in Instagram Story - A tutorial on how to put "see more" links in your instagram story. Some accounts that are not verified can now add swipe up links to their instagram story.

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